Saturday, July 12, 2008

What a mess!

I hadn't been in the basement for a few days and this is what I found when I went down there...not a pretty sight. We had several kids playing over at our house (added to the fact that my kids are pigs) and this was the end result. I guess they had decided to play house/dress ups and make themselves some money (hence the cut up paper everywhere). I was terribly overwhelmed but my wonderful husband took care of it while I went grocery shopping. I have to admit that I took my time shopping so I would't have to participate in the clean up. Some how he was able to get the kids to work together without a whole lot of complaining and the basement looked great when I got home.


Carrie Swenson said...

What a sweet husband you have! I know what you mean. Laura and Ashton's room is such a mess. I made them clean them up this morning. But I have a feeling that all their juck is under their bed. Maybe we need to start the "Gunnie" sack that aunt Marilyn used to do.

Janean said...

I hope it wasn't my kids who helped make that mess and did not clean it up. What would we do without husbands sometimes? They really are great to help out like that. I would have done the same thing by taking my sweet time shopping so it would be cleaned up before I got home.

Jennifer said...

That's sucks, it was pretty dang messy! I kind of like cleaning your basement, you get a very satisfying feeling when it's all done!

Liz said...

I am so impressed that your hubby took care of that for you! What a sweetie! Isn't it funny that sometimes a trip to the grocery store - alone - can be so joyous! :)

The Hawkins said...

Should have seen my basement. I don't think I went down for a week. I just threw the kids down there. I found spilled rotten milk. Yum!