Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Family Pet

I had this conversation with Pieper today while we were out taking bids:

Pieper: "Can I have a pet cat?"
Me: "No, I don't like cats."
Pieper: "Can I have another pet?"
Me: "No."
Pieper: "What animal does Dad like that I can have for a pet?"
Me: "Dad doesn't really like animals."
Pieper: "Then if I can"t have a cat that's alive can I have a dead one?"

How was I supposed to respond to that?


Anonymous said...

Oh come on Steph- why not? It would be low maintenance! A little stinky maybe, but a good practice pet :)

Liz said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!!!! My neighbor feels the same way about cats. He always says the best kind of cat is a euthenized cat! How sad! Just bring her over to our house for a day and she can get her pet fill. She can play with our cat, dog, bird, geckos, and frogs! Plus Ella would LOVE to play with her! :) p.s. It was fun to see you at the mall the other day! You look so great!

Nishant said...

It would be low maintenance! A little stinky maybe, but a good practice pet
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The Hawkins said...

Get her one of those cats that purr and move their heads that are in the toy section at every store. That is so funny.