Sunday, May 17, 2009

Adriana's Birthday

Adriana's birthday is coming up and she has informed me that all she wants is Taylor Swift Concert tickets and a backstage pass. That's a pretty tall order and I hope she's not too disappointed with just concert tickets and no backstage pass. She absolutely LOVES Taylor Swift. The other day one of her songs came on the radio and Adriana started to sing along. After the song was over she said, "I sound just like her don't I mom." I can't wait to see her face when I tell her that she's going to the concert. She has been asking me everyday if she can go for her birthday and I wanted to tell her so bad but instead I told her that I heard that all the tickets were gone. She thought about it for a minute and said, "Then can I watch it on TV instead?" Harrison quickly informed her that it wouldn't be on TV, which made her very disappointed. I like Taylor Swift as well so I'm looking forward to the concert.


momtherunner said...

What a fun surprise!!

Kirsten said...

How fun! They grow up so fast!

Julie said...

That's a pretty nice present! She will love it. My Mom has her bday present, so hopefully she gets it to her from Michelle & me. Let me know if not!

The Warner Family said...

Wow! Are you sure that present wasn't for you! You are such a cute mom!

Katy said...

Oh I totally believe you are for sure his most fact later on that day he was telling me all about it! Thanks for saying he is so cute! We think so but it's nice to get reassured sometimes hehe! Oh and Madison is now very welcome into nursery!

Kristy said...

I LOVE Taylor Swift too. I hope you guys had fun. :0)I really wanted to go, but just never got around to buying me a ticket.