Saturday, March 14, 2009

Silly Boys

The other day we were at the Olive Garden and while we were waiting to be seated Pieper looked over at the men's bathroom and said, "Look that boy's naked." Jeff and I looked over to see what she was talking about and realized that she was talking about the men's bathroom sign. I had never noticed before but on the women's bathroom sign the lady is wearing a dress but on the men's it looks like he really isn't wearing anything. You'll have to look next time. It's amazing how little kid's minds work because I would have never noticed it before.


Julie said...

I like when you update your blog - you always have the best stories. I just read them to Justin & we were laughing. You guys have the funniest kids!

The Warner Family said...

Kids say the funniest things and notice the funniest things. They are the best!

Janean said...

I will have to notice next time! Kids are the best!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I have never thought about that before.

the lunch lady said...

that is funny!