Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stubborn Girl

Adriana started attending a new dance class last week, which she was so excited about. She goes to dance every Tuesday for an hour. This week she was very uncooperative and wouldn't really do what her teacher said. I was a little surprised when I talked to her teacher because Adriana loves to dance. So when I asked Adriana about it she said, "You told me that they were going to let us make up our own dances but the teacher was making us do her stuff so I didn't want to do it. I just decided to make up my own stuff." I tried to explain to her that the teacher needed to show her new dance moves so she could include them in her dance the she made up but that wasn't what she wanted to hear. I told her that she needed to learn how to dance when she is little so she can be a good dancer when she is older. So then she asked me, "Will it help me dance good at my wedding?" I told her it would so hopefully that will be enough to convince her to listen to her teacher. I guess we'll see.


Jennifer said...

Lindsay is probrably kicking herself now for telling us about her dance class. :) Hopefully the little butts will listen to her next week.

the lunch lady said...

I'm glad she's thinking ahead -- you have to be able to danced at your wedding. :)